Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Yukon Cornelius {He Has Nothing To Do With This}

Ya know the part in the vintage Christmas animation of Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, the boisterous character of Yukon Cornelius puts his mining pick into the ice, sticks his tongue out, and with a slight "tttthhh" sound - he exclaims: "tttthhhttthhh NOTHIN'"??! do you remember?...

That's precisely what I've got for a blog post today....  ttthhhtthh NOTHIN'... much. Some little stuff here and there ~

Clear Lake, CA

Girlfriends enjoyed a getaway at this lovely place ^ . Laughter is good medicine.

A local team  {and favorite of mine} the San Francisco 49ers played and ultimately lost the Super Bowl..... there's always next year.

Your City shines brightly with or without a trophy stating you're #1. You ARE number ONE!

Winter keeps hold. Yet, Punxsutawny Phil says spring is coming round the bend. My garden and I relish this thought. Bleak times in the backyard.... still found time to play with the camera and found beauty on a rainy day ~

My work pleasure is continued and currently underway for the newest event on Goat Hill {vintage} Fair's Spring show. Lots to be done. Fun ideas in my head, many new contacts being made - as well as keeping current with our old friends at www.goathillfair.com.

See? isn't this such a mish-mash of topics? this is what goes on in my head on a daily basis!  :-)

I've hit the TV hard for all awards shows. The red-carpet is such fun. And I give it my all to see the movies nominated for those type awards. Cannot seem to talk myself into paying and sitting with eyes clenched shut for Django Unchained. Though I have found Quentin Tarantino talented in his unabashedly unmerciful use of violence... a little goes a long way!

Argo had me on the edge of my seat. Flight was sad and brutally honest about one man's struggle with alcohol. Silver Linings Playbook - filled with great actors -  was tormented in an easy to watch way. Looking at Bradley Cooper makes it very easy to watch! So pleased to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel in the mix. I was delighted and transported when I saw this nearly a year ago. Quite an experience. Makes me long for sun, color, warmth & travel just playing it back in my mind...

Adore Dame Judy ^. Cannot get enough of Maggie Smith either!! Is she everywhere? or is it just me... I recently saw her in the new film "Quartet".. and to be honest - I've been watching more television than just award shows. HURRAY that I've decided to join the world and become a bonafide Downton Abbey junkie!! Maggie and crew are superb. This is one area of my grossly disorganized topic conglomeration that Yukon Cornelius would NOT say...

ttthhhhttthh - Nothing!  Yukon would say gold was struck with Downton!!

Will anyone find this tantalizing reading?? doubtful... yet, I decided that there's enough garden content to be considered within boundaries to share over at Romantic Home. I'm a rebel like that! Yukon would like me!  hhaaa

1 comment:

  1. I love a random post! Love Dame Judy and Maggie too, and the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel was fantastic. I just started watching Downton two weeks ago and now need to go back and start from the beginning. Poor Lady Sybil! No sunshine here either...*sigh*
