Monday, March 19, 2012

Our Pearl Of Travel..

Away we were.  Hopped on one freeway and arrived in a mere 2 hours. Howling winds,wiper blades tapping time. Get me off this country road lined with row upon row of grape vine. And, get us into the winery instead. A tiny tasting with our owner-friend of Balletto Winery.

Snuck in a short surprise visit to another friend, before heading further west - still in the rain!

Do oysters strike you as Irish fare? hhhaa None of that corned beef and cabbage faux-Irish meal for Hubby & I.

Doubt that we've ever visited these Nor Cal parts and gone without a dozen or so of these shelled delicacies ~

Silly picture-story-telling {remember, Hubby is quite fond of this!}

and another ~

The rain was made to take a hike - the forceful wind bellowed 'til it was clear. Wild times at the coast.

But shine, the sun did! Walks were cold. The shadows, and movement of the trees made for stunning scenery ~

Yet another friend was a part of this trip. Almost too much action for this one-hotel-town! hhha
 More to share next time.

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