Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rockin' A Party...

Nearly there..close to having our old life back! I've even got something different to post about! There was a co-ed, celebratory function on our calendar. Hubby and I attended!! YAY! an activity other than walking!... the reason I started this paragraph with the worlds "nearly there"??  We went alright, and along with us we both took our colds. YEP! Shoulda had good manners, but we just couldn't stay home, it was only a scratchy throat, coulda been allergies even. We're getting desperate for fun, said with a smile...

We went ~

Hostess gift in hand...

We ate~

We mingled ~

And, we left at the first sign of twilight... that's pretty early at this time of year. We were home and in our jammies by 5:30. WOW!! such socialites!

Just call me Rock Star! (a little inside joke) One of my friends kept calling me that all day. Have no idea why! and I surely DO NOT fit that bill, else I'd of stayed till the ayem! Maybe one day soon.... (or not)!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shari, Thank you so much for coming and being part our celebration.A gathering just wouldn't be the same without you and Joey.
    I just might be on Extra after this blog. hahhaha
    Love Ya,
