Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ode to Mom

Facts about my Mother ~

My Mother was born and raised in California, the second of only two children. She's now the only member of her small family that is alive.
She is a fair skinned, light eyed English woman. She resembles her Mom remarkably.
She married at a very young age. She completed high school with a different last name.
She gave birth to four children. I am her only daughter. I AM HER GIRL. She calls me this whenever she phones.
She had two boys in quick succession. Another boy was born many years later.
She is a wife, a homemaker, a mother, a shopkeeper, a pet gatherer.

Funny to list plain and simple facts about her. She, as with most mothers have a resume the length of their arm. The duties they carry out and the love they share is all encompassing.

Even though she was raised in a unique family dynamic, and without much demonstrative affection - she showered us four with love. We lived in a clean, small home that was decorated and gardened. We had a miniature zoo grazing about during our entire childhood. Mom was a Den Mother, Little League cheerer and snickerdoodle baker all rolled into one. Even with financial challenges, she had a Christmas savings account so that she might gift us with packages galore. As teens we gave her (and Dad too) a run for their money. She survived this and our family remained whole and in tact. Once her baby was in school she went out into the world to become a modern day working woman. She learned some of the new technologies. She briefly went back to school.

My Mother is a very strong woman. She has had her share of health issues. These problems have been a part of her life for many years. She pushes through it. It makes me sad to even have to mention them in her lifeline. If I could reciprocate a small portion of her care, I would take away all of her aches, pains and woes. She deserves to stand straight, tall and solid - she lives a life to be proud of - with no stooping or teetering allowed.

I am in awe of all that you've done, Mom!


  1. Oh, how I LOVE your Mom! You are a reflection of her beauty and love, Shari!!! These pictures are beautiful of your family, especially the last one of you and Mom. What a treasure!!! You are both blessed! XO

  2. I love my grandma (and my aunt too, of course)
