Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Six Days Packed Into One

Instagram, Instagram... I used to love you so! If ever you need a way to free yourself from an item you enjoy, just challenge yourself to do said item for an entire month straight. Right about now, I've nearly given up on the photo-a-day for the month of July project! Oh, I've taken most of the photos, sometimes on the actual day, sometimes NOT. I've rarely posted about each day consecutively.

My EYES were too big for my lens!! hhaaa   ** eyes being the subject for July 20th

Apparently I've not seen NINE O'CLOCK in the past few days - as that was my July 21st topic and not only did I not complete the task then... I still don't rightly care about it, even now.

Sunflowers are in bloom in many a garden on my walks. The birds either ate the seeds I planted, or the chickens scratched them up. Either scenario - none of those lovelies in my yard. I do have though, an old dried pod.... hanging UPSIDE DOWN! The funny topic for the 22nd.

Then along comes the 23rd, and even though I've decorated nearly every room in our home with a
MIRROR, I was unable to do my homework for that day... could even take a photo now, still not up for it. Do I have the photo-blahs or something?

Here's a STRANGE one.... Who is that STRANGER standing next to the gal with the fake smile {me}?  A photo taken one day, just not on the 24th of July!

Today I will do my photo in real time! Whether I love HEART it or not! Even though my HEART is no longer in it..... 

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