Monday, November 12, 2012

The Never-ending Subject

Given three choices.. what do you think the likelihood of ocean/beaches as my topic would be?
Hoping that my entire blog isn't just one big tangle of spindrift swirl! I do realize how very often I speak of the beach. Living near to the ocean is a happy place to be!

At Halloween, I was at my brother's home caring for his dogs. This home is even closer yet to the coast. How nice to walk at the beach. Even nicer yet to have an evening where I supped and was still able to drive home after a margarita!

Foggy morns and eves while I was in town. The greyness did not deter, though!

Ah, yes - the margarita and the evening I sat lagoon-side for an hour or so. Quiet, calm, reflective!

Some reflecting on my father-in-law who had now been placed in a skilled nursing facility to gain strength and continue IV treatment. Hoping for progression - ASAP!

Wouldn't this night scene call for contemplation and calm? It called me to...

At first glance, this shot made me think of cold, lonely - away from society...

Then I thought... how about solitary, yet upright and sturdy! Gaining ground.. getting a foothold and surrounding oneself {see the trees}...

Hmmmm - maybe this is NOT the same "never ending subject" of the beach that I usually do...{not all sunshine and beachballs kind of beach}

This image...  walking a path, above turbulent waters. Bridging. A means to get from one place to another...  with just the hint of sunshine on the horizon!

I guess I'm bridging this post and the beach images of that week to the ongoing issues with Pops {my FIL}...   He will get there. He has many people rooting for him and his return to his own home!

He is on the right path..

 Sitting it out, and waiting - observing!  Ever watchful for any movement or change in the surroundings.. {just like a hawk}

Soon he will soar!

Pops has a favorite bench at the beach. When he is able, maybe we'll take him to sit in that special spot... and all will be well again!  {cue that sun!}

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