Sunday, April 24, 2011

Salty Lady

Docked in pier H at Pillar Point Harbor is a Salty Lady, or two or three. There's an old "salt" everywhere you look. Rubber booted, stubble-faced and iron clad stomached men who captain  their ladies of the sea out into the Pacific. The Salty Lady was our floating whale watching command center.

my initials are also - S L

Lots of wide open seas, a formation or two of rock , true excitement (yeah!) - AND....  lots of spewing!! All around us....

Sadly there was not a single whale sighting..... for a 3 hour tour.... A 3 HOUR TOUR !

We had GINGER on board too! She didn't wear eyeliner and teeter on high heels though. Our ginger was ingested by many passengers hoping to ease their stomach woes!

Very thankful that we had more (real) excitement scheduled for afterward.  We had lunch plans with friends. A couple of them we hadn't seen in many years. Hours of catching up. Our afternoon turned into evening far too quickly.

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