Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stubbing Toe Time

Some movement of objects has taken place in our cottage. It took months for the motivation to hit. I've now switched into spring/summer mode. Hubby claims he stubs his toes every time I rearrange. shhhhh don't tell him but I don't think I'm done yet....

Here's a glimpse. And I have to say that I really need to edit! These pictures look jam packed and as if a riot is in full force right in my living room....... not the look I'm going for!

Go look wayyyyyy down the page - sorry 'bout that ~

Go a bit further down...

fireplace area

full view - Living room

Liv Rm near entry

I created a completely different work area using pieces I already had. In fact nothing new was purchased for any of the spring arranging. I swap out furniture from other rooms, storage and whatnot.

I love this bamboo desk. Numerous bamboo items made their way in for summer....

The bedroom had a little redo too. I'll share another time though. Had a late evening hike and with the heat we're experiencing I'm plum tuckered out!

Good Night....

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