Sunday, August 7, 2011

Escape-ism or Bright Side??

When life gives you lemons, do you make lemonade??.... or like me - possibly make strawberry Popsicles?? Not sure if that sounds quite right - but what I'm hoping this conveys is that I'm good at changing up the situation completely. Why not take lemons out of the equation all together?

a bowl full of cherries instead?

Carmel was my escape for the day. I'm in need of beauty, nature and a glimpse at my ole picnic-life!

I found peace and loveliness. I tasted divine pleasure. I walked anywhere - other than hospital halls. Might this be misconstrued as denial or selfishness? My loved ones know where my heart lies. My body and soul crave visual, creative, - color, beauty and an open road plan in which to wander. Yet, I will and do contain myself and submerge myself wholeheartedly into situations where I'm needed. As in this situation with my father.

Am I in denial of the graveness facing my family? They know me better.

I did search for the "bright side" in this beautiful seaside town. It was like turning on a light, re-igniting the sun...  Making my body smile for just an afternoon.
How could it not?... have you looked at these photos? Pure delight!

I acknowledge that rather than zooming down the road, I might tend to my own garden - begin projects aplenty for the Goat Hill Fair..... (or get back to my Mom)

Something to be said for ESCAPE-ISM though...

I'll take a picnic anywhere I can get one...

wine in a paper cup
 Even whilst sitting in a car, eating left-over breakfast toast with pricey French cheese and sipping chardonnay from a fast food container...

Why can't life be both LEMONS and STRAWBERRIES - or for that matter RHUBARB PIE if I so choose?

Tomorrow the road leads to other callings - I'll be at the side of my Mother and Father - because I want and need to fulfill these obligations. My route of escapism is on a detour for awhile!

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