Thursday, September 29, 2011

Decorating Trend ??

Have I found and labeled a new trend in home decor??... how do ya like the looks and sound of this ~

POST HOSPITAL CHIC ...     not in love? It's not really my style either. Although I have been known to appreciate metal and industrial type pieces that come from medical settings. What I am not so fond of is this lovely display in my own bedroom upon the re-entry of Hubby from the hospital ->

Notice anything on the chandelier? Other than the burned out light bulbs?? Yep, Hubby hung his plastic urinal from the chandy so that's it's close at hand for emergencies! JUST LOVELY !

Yet, it is truly lovely, and I DO love that Hubby has come home. A touch of new all around our house...
I moved furniture about (in 90 degree heat) so that we have room for a walker for him to get around. A different entryway also. A beautiful gesture from a kind neighbor ~ he built us a ramp.  We've got flowers all about. The arrangement Hubby has in his arms are the ones he gave to me. For all of the "messy-life" stuff that I've endured the past few months. Sweet guy, huh?!

priceless gift
The hydrangea-in-the Fall bouquet was left at the doorstep for me. The most thoughtful gift at a most trying time! Thanks Megan! I then did a sort of re-gift and set them bedside for Hubby with all of his other contraptions. A hospital room set-up of sorts ~

I might be sorry that I stuck that bell on the tray!! hhaaa

As for Autumnal decor... well, it may not happen for me. Or, possibly it will be what keeps me sane and fills my time while I'm here in our home playing nurse.

Ah, another good thought - speaking of Fall - shall I maybe play Nurse Ratchett for Halloween? The sweet and giving Florence Nightingale? If I'm gonna be here acting like a nurse, I may as well have fun with it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Other Day... On My Way To The ER

One frightening day very recently, the one that had me trying to get Hubby to the Doctor, was one of the kind where you shake your head and ask can this really be happening.  A kind of funny story....  NOW.
We already knew that Hubby wasn't feeling well, and he had a Dr. appointment scheduled. We just had to make it through part of the day first.

Hubby lay resting here in our bedroom while I tried to accomplish nothing much at all.  Silly me decided that this "quiet" time would be just perfect for getting out the newly purchased box of temporary hair color and slapping it on. Unfortunately Hubby was needing the one and only bathroom in our home due to the TNT strength laxative I dosed him with. (bet Hubby will just love to know I'm talking about his bowels) Near about this same time frame, as I, with red colored wet dye dripping, go to Hubby's aid - as he is unable to walk on his own (really NOT funny), but what does appear on the ground IN MY HOUSE but a wee little mouse. I'm proud to say I didn't shriek, yet automatically deferred to Hubby.... "uuuhhhmmm, what should I do about a mouse on the floor?" apparently the poor thing was not well, as it didn't skitter about. Hubby yells from the bed (still waiting for me to get him to the potty) " get something to put over it and trap it". A wastebasket became the rodent's jailer.  Run to the bedroom to get a folding chair that will suffice as Hubby's walker. Can't quite get Hubby to the lav on time... if you know what I mean. Then have to move the mouse trap over to the side for Hubby to sit down.  Oh yes!... forgot about the timing on the hair dye. Hubby and his legs take up the minimal space between our door and the shower I need. What the heck color of hair will it be now? Hubby scoots over to the chair/walker and off of the pot so I can get past...

Are you still reading? A long story that may not seem funny to some. I'm glad to find the humor in that day!

Mostly that's the jest of it. The color of my strands aren't too orangey. The poor-wittle-mouse has gone to dumpster heaven. Hubby got to the Doctor, a visit that had scary and yet funny moments too. In the ER the Docs laughed at us as we did verbal quizzes from the paper whilst he endured a lumbar puncture! Only saving grace was that he was numb from the waist down and couldn't feel it.

We're still in good spirits even amidst the chaos and unknown. Hopefully soon we will toast to GOOD HEALTH and raise our spirits just that much higher!

even better spirits!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Where Troubles Melt Like Lemon Drops

Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me...

No truer words have ever been thought. Last night as I composed my thoughts and waited for more answers to Hubby's health dilemma I chose to use this song at the end of my post. Lyrics so simple and heartfelt. I've always adored the movie that made this song a piece of Americana.  Tonight too I am feeling this same way and listening over again to prose in music that makes me feel sentimental, sad and somehow hopeful.

There is a place that soon we will be. Our troubles will have melted away. And those dreams that I am daring to dream - the BIG, HAPPY, HEALTHY dreams will come true. They've just got to.....

Friday, September 23, 2011

Burdened Shoulders and Legs

Hospital halls and Doctor's offices have become an unwelcome norm for me. I'm back to carrying a weight that I'd love to shrug off. Hopes were flying ever so high that my family was on the sunny side of daylight now. No more  constant pressure - the worries somewhat eased. Well, it didn't last long enough.

This guy of mine - the one from yesterday's 30 year dating story - he's lying in a hospital bed. Truly all he can do is lay there. He is unable to walk. He is suddenly without the ability to stand and move forward on his own.

Indications are that this sudden and rapidly changing problem has something to do with pressure on his spinal cord. Writing at this time feels therapeutic. It is filling space right now while I wait for him to return from the most recent MRI. Something tells me this is the time that we might finally have an answer, at the very least - a clue. Sorrow and fear sit squarely on my shoulders. Yet, I'm not to be outdone - our entire world rests completely on Hubby's legs. What a burden, indeed.

We'll get through this and the sun while shine brightly on our Abundant Picnic..... no raining allowed!

our beloved Mt. Tam

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Thirty years ago my next door neighbors hosted a party that included my family. We were friends - that bunch and us. We still are. I was reintroduced to their cousin during this occasion. That handsome guy became my husband. This is the anniversary of our life beginning together. Our first date, if you will.

Knowing a person. Knowing that they should be a part of your life. Knowing that they are "THE ONE".....
such a funny concept. But, I did believe in all of these things. I still do KNOW!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No Foundation

New years begin shiny and new with hope of the possibilities. In January I wrote a post about my cousin who resides in a home with no foundation. It was the start of this year - yet not so bright and shiny for him. The back story sits there on January 6th.

My cousins new story resides in today's post. Our bond is simple, rarely identified and infrequently embraced. Since that home without a foundation is in actuality the streets, we don't connect often. I haven't known his whereabouts, nor his status in many months. Was he still in the camp near the creek, not far from downtown? I had thought of him when all had been wacky with my Dad - how might I reach him? My Mom had phoned his half sibling. She too was unaware of any contact possibilities.

Jimmy made that rare connection a week ago. His voice was light as he said he had news. First we got through the usual suspects of conversation. Well, probably - the UNUSUAL topics since his life does not follow any civilized norm. Are you still living in the same place? says I. He mentions he is calling from the hospital. Are you sick again? I dread. His response nearly floors me. Jimmy is not the patient, he is accompanying a girlfriend. They are getting county help in order to see an OB/GYN. Girlfriend is 4 months pregnant. They are having

Baby boys will come into Jimmy's life at the age of 51. They will arrive to a nontraditional home. That home doesn't have windows so that they might view the world in all of it's glory. The walls are fabric panels and may not keep the cold out. The foundation is rocky, slippery and prone to giving way under poor conditions(literally and figuratively). Not much of a start for infants.

What can I say?

Concerned Congratulations.....

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Need For Order

Disarray. That's how my life feels.

Pieces everywhere, yet nowhere in particular.

Out of sorts.


Post-party let down?

New challenges to care for.

My sights are set on getting back on schedule....

Prayers are said that the new challenge will be a simple and fast fix....

These are HER hopes...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cramming Like A College Student

What a strange title I gave this post! True that, though! I am cramming every last detail into the very few hours I have before I take part in the Goat Hill Fair. Today was the first set-up day. Fun and nerve racking. Beautiful and foggy damp. Funny and mind boggling. What in the world have I gotten myself into???...... well here's what it looks like ~

'twas foggy but, that makes for great moving weather!

There were a couple of mishaps...

This was Boss-In-Boots' shoe! White paint all over da place! Yet, there was definitely Fall color too ~

Everybody running around like a chicken with it's head.... well, you know how that ends! Let's don't go there! The chicks still have their combs attached ~

Here is the start, and later I'll show the finish!! just you wait....

looks scary right now...

Good night! I gotta get some shut eye. Goin' to run with the chickens (with their heads on), and climb to the top o'the hill with the goats tomorrow.  Bright and early!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Going Home on September 11th

Undoubtedly it was best that I was busy yesterday. Had I spent much time in the house I probably would have been a sad and reflective gal unable to accomplish much. For when I did stop to rest and lift my feet, then everywhere I turned sad and emotional images crossed my path.

September 11, 2011. Ten year anniversary of the horrific terrorist attack on our country. Yes, I knew what day it was - ALL DAY. I chose not to dwell. Yet in the eve my eyes couldn't help be glued to the newspaper, then the television (briefly), and the Internet also. Somehow those memories and glimpses of the past became intermingled with my most recent shattering experience - the near death of my father.

My father's health and 9/11 have little to do with one another. Just awful times and hard to manage feelings. However, my father is improved! He has overcome great odds! Pops is somewhat rehabilitated. The singular exception to Sept.11th and my Dad's noncommonality is that - he is no longer confined to a hospital - he went home!

Ghostly lit towers, newly running waterfalls, memorials of granite....
What I have is this ...  >

An empty wheelchair. May my father's legs be able to take him where he wishes to go.... that's the prayer that I've sent up! I am fortunate to have all my dreams, prayers, wishes come true. Oh so many families cannot say the same about September 11th. For them, I have tears.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So, bring us some figgy pudding  galette and bring it right here...

Though figgy-pudding-holiday-season-time is coming quickly, it's not yet close enough to be baking for it. On a recent day it was one of those cool Fall morns which the oven could be turned up and produce pies of all sorts.

tomato pie
 Three carb loaded pies using fresh produce from our yard. Comfort food at its best. Very delicious and meant to share with friends and family.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Feeling Squirrely

Don't you love receiving postcards from someones fabulous vacation? My friend sent these two from her antique-picking roadtrip ~

There's a story behind the squirrel one. Megan (vintage picker) and the Goat Hill planner-boss-lady Cyndi gave me the title of "Squirrel Lady". A couple years back Cyndi owned a shop, of which I was a frequent visitor. When they both really got to know me I was on the prowl for any squirrel item to use for a wine and cheese party we were hosting in our home. Thus the moniker. Our party theme, invites and wine label was Squirrel Nut Vineyards. The soiree was held under our gigantic walnut tree.

Funny that... receiving the squirrel card in the height of walnut-mania!! Our backyard is overtaken by cute rodents. The brick patio and walkways are littered and crunchy! Every year we say that we'll find a way to tent the tree, or pick nuts ahead of time. Each year's the same deal - not one nut for our pantry.

The pests even come sit at the patio table to graze on their nutty feast...

At this time of year I most surely appreciate cement squirrels rather than the furry sorts ~

What the heck... maybe I should just make friends with the little guys??...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Color My World

Omens abound....
Messages from above, below and all about... (remember the word was out to BITE ME, lately!)

How many people would go for a walk in them thar hills and come across a painters palette nestled in eucalyptus leaves along the road? Somehow I did ~

Colorful and thought provoking. Who would toss their color board out the window? What is the story behind this unique roadside trash? hhhmmmmmm

A sign? An omen? Cause just the other day on a different walk on a different hill, in a different town I came across other art palettes and color and loveliness ~

Was this painterly lady placed just so along the trail in order that I might come across her and have a moment of inspiration?  Shall I be contemplative of these moments? What message, if any, are they trying to send me?

I've never tried painting. Don't know that I have an eye for it. Photography is more my style. That is how I most often color my world.

The only art medium I have my hands in at this moment is Rit dye. The last color I tried was black.... now my digits are grey and ashen looking - not a good look! Ultimately, I prefer green thumbs!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miles And Miles Of Piles

I've never watched the television show Hoarders.... but, I think I'm living it here in my house...
That's what happens when you treasure hunt for months in anticipation of a vintage show & sale...

Have not even attempted to put things away....

Taking stock, doing inventory, listing and pricing....

Not one rightful spot for anything....

Every work surface is covered.... (not that there's ever much work space living in an 800 sf cottage)...

Even the driveway is overrun...
Projects, painting and pandemonium....

The calendar has flipped to September and soon this mess will disappear....

HHHAAAAAHHHAAAA!!! Oh, my - who am I kiddin'?? Clean-up may well last through the Fall!

Maybe I'll hire help..... Mr. Clean would do nicely..