Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March Madness... of the Non-Basketball Sort....

Hubby and I, also MIL and numerous friends share the month of March for our Birthdays. We always end up with quite the fiesta extravaganza for  the start of spring. This past week being no exception.

Let's open up the photo files and look at what we did ~

We sipped wine on more than one occasion


Shared time with family and friends...

Meals, noshes and sweets galore!

San Francisco and my Girls were in the mix (sorta early in the Bday schedule) ~

Yes, of course - we walked the beach a time or two ~

I gardened some ~

with chickens by my side.. they gave their interpretation of Birthday salutations!!

Madness of the sane crazily busy sort! All for fun. All to celebrate that which we are truly blessed and happy to have - another YEAR. (or any portion there of - we'll take!)

March! Spring has begun!


Friday, March 22, 2013

Fifty-Five... Not a Speed Limit!!

Birthday today. I'm a Spring baby. Love everything about spring. Mostly love everything about the birthday. I'm 55 today... not bothering me a bit! I'm not one to lie about the number of years I've accummulated. Proud to wear it ALL!

Like wearing a jaunty colorful scarf that blows in the seabreeze as I take a photo...

I'll still place a sassy wig upon my head - just for fun...

A costume??.... don't mind if I do...

I'll gladly wear the badges for wife, friend, daughter, chicken-Mama, gardener, cook, and millions more... and mostly I do NOT follow that speed limit!

55 is just a number!!   I look at it and smile... let's see if I can reach 75 ?? Bet I can!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Want for What Was

This day's twist hit me by surprise. Hubby's usual outlook was skewed and he was unusually open, raw and sometimes tearful. The want for WHAT ONCE WAS - that is the emotion that saddened our sunny morning. Eighteen months ago he was struck with an unforeseen illness. Life is mostly normal now, but the looking back is hard not to do. We don't and shouldn't live constantly in that state as it will get us nowhere. The ramifications - difficulties in walking - are progressively being challenged as Hubby and his therapist continue searching for a regimen to aid his left side.

Walking. How often here in my "journal" have I spoken of that simple verb?  To walk ~ for me it's a task-exercise-pleasure-life line-necessity ! Walking once a simple, ordinary, automatic action and now for Hubby it is anything but simple. My heart breaks when he struggles. He marches on however!

On the anniversary, eighteen months ago of this turn of events in our life, we finished with the tears - we dressed, made plans with friends and we went for A WALK !!

Beautiful spot for a walk, huh? ^

Hubby on the downhill...  :-)

No fanfare. We never mentioned to others the mark that highlighted this date on our calendar and our hearts. There'd be no raising of glasses, as it would make our mindful state tangible - more of a reality than we would like. Almost as if this thing had a HOLD of a spot in our life. I for one cannot give it more space than it already has!

Afternoon picnicking and wine tasting made laughter the star of the day!

Should I still be holding that stemmed glass in my hand - I would like to nod my head your way, dear man, give you a smile and toast to you - my HUBBY!!  Sentiments so wistful for what was, but greater than those; wishes for the days ahead that the strength you've kept all the while, will hold you upright , sturdy and forward thinking. Hopeful still and always!

That light? .....                                             ->

The proverbial end of the tunnel - it's the good place we find ourselves at the close of each day !  Because we've found that the tunnel isn't all bad - it's just ... well, we've got more tunnels on our road than some.  I'd much rather travel the tunnel with you the rest of our days, than the alternative!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Picnic Perfection!!

How delightful does this look??!! Here's what I wish to be doing this weekend ~

image from French Essence

We've been asked to join in a picnic. Yes, it will be set in redwoods. Very near to our home. In that hilly town of Los Gatos... {I've not talked much of walking there lately}. 'Tis likely we'll meet , but we're double booked....

HA! Such is the life... too many things to do, too many friends to visit, too much food to partake!

{I borrowed the picnic photo from French Essence - who got it at this lovely site}

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I Had No Intention Of...

No forethought. No intention of my journaling slowing down to a trickle. Writing seems to be out of sight, and out of my mind.  There aren't reasons. No excuses to make up.

Even tonight, I'm comfortably ensconced in my comfy little place. Pretty reading lamps lit, and background TV noise grating at me somewhat. Should probably turn it off. Still, I'm not in the mood for making merry with vocabulary. I've had weeks of adventures, emotions, experiences... there should be something I can say!

I'll get back to it... sometime soon.