Thursday, June 13, 2013

Got Statues??

Like garden statuary much? Apparently I have a fixation! While out in my back-forty (hhaa), tending to the massively overgrown garden, I took notice in all of the pieces of various statuary that are artfully gracing my yard. Seems I've got a cement art gallery going on back there! Wanna see?...

wait!... there's more ~

and finally....

looks like some foofing of the bacopa is needed !  ^  a little fertilizing, maybe?

Thus you have my garden gallery! There are a few more pieces a bit worse for wear, in bits 'n pieces strewn about. I really should part with some of those!

* Linked to the lovely blog of My Romantic Home.


  1. how lovely is everything! I adore garden statuary and have to be careful not to put in too much :D, I love the heavy old ones. nice pics.

    1. thanks so much for your 3 kind comments on my different garden posts! So glad you found me from forever*cottage!Gardening and all of it's accoutrements sure is fun, isn't it?!!

  2. I love your statues. Personally I like cherubs and angels and I prefer iron or concrete. I just found your blog through My Romantic Home and I am now following you through Bloglovin. I would love for you to stop by my blog sometime.
    Thanks, Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design
