Friday, December 24, 2010


A very skewed version of the manger scene twirled about in my head tonight. Really my head was the thing twirling. One too many tasks to finish....
When I went at sunrise to un-roost the chickens we are sitting, I had my first thought of this creatively interpreted manger. Muddy and cold flooring scattered with hay was unwelcoming. The coop is a wooden frame. Possibly very similar to where baby Jesus was born, but these chicks are living in a virtual mansion.
The girls were fed and are being kept warm. We even went bearing gifts. A special little treat was had today! It is Christmas Eve by the way...

Later in the day we went bearing gifts again. This time they were presents for a true baby (not chicks). "Our" babe hasn't arrived yet. He shall not be named any derivative of Jesus. He shall be anticipated and regaled! He will not be turned away from comfort at his birth. He shall have parents that will travel far and wide - to the ends of the earth - for their child. We will offer our gifts, not solely tangible ones, most importantly love and support. This boy child is expected in the upcoming season. He shall come and bring us joy and light. He will very nearly be a King..... to us!

Our nephew and his wife are five and a half months into their wait.  The Christmas season next year will surely be a different scene entirely! 'Twas mentioned many times tonight that the annual family photo calendar is going to be twelve months of baby! Oh, the anticipation......

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