Monday, October 10, 2011

Abundantly Challenged

If challenges should stop me in my tracks, well then- they haven't. They can sure make the most pleasant of experiences a bit less so. And those challenges seem to make me feel weary. A picnic is, as mentioned many times here, a delicious experience (in food and life). My picnic-lovely life is still full of travel, pleasure, food, fun, family & friends. It is also brimming with love, learning, and YES those challenges.

Our little home with the intrusive ramp entry is a good metaphor for Hubby's health of late. During our life-picnic a colony of "ants"(aka virus) intruded upon his body... they marched right up to the door and entered. Very much unwanted guests.

Despite the unwanted guests, we chose to go picnicking this weekend. Both fun and challenging. I'm giving it my all to remain upbeat. So many things intrude. Even well intended emotions, people and places.... they're "knocking at our door" at an all too frequent rate. Still we went gulping for fresh air, a new view and change of pace.

As perfect a picnic as we can expect for now ~

Hubby's fave picnic food - OYSTERS

perfect picnic fare - bread to die for...


animal love... so sweet

And we start the week anew. I'll be honest, just as I've been with the rest of this post, we're not completely refreshed. Challenges are still abundant.  Holding onto the hope that the unwanted visitors will go away soon.

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